Basic Features of Social Networking Sites

The good thing about friend networking sites is that these also act partly as organizers. Popular social networking sites let their members maintain an address book, where users can key in and save the contact details, including email address, website, and phone numbers of their friends in the list. In conjunction with this feature, a calendar system consisting of daily, weekly, and monthly planning is also made available so that members can gain access to their appointments and other schedules they need to keep while browsing online for hot men and chicks.

Messaging is also a snap in free social networking sites. Some of these sites allow other members to browse and view freely the profile pages of other members, usually in complete detail. When members want to send a message to a prospect date, they simply select the “Send Message” function and type a message. The prospect can receive the message sent instantly. To avoid clutter in the mailbox, users can junk unimportant or irrelevant messages in the “Trash”. In situations where members need to retrieve a message sent or merely want to be certain on what they communicated to the person, they can look in the “Sent” folder and see the items that they have sent. For people who want to send one message to multiple parties in their friends' list, they can make use of the bulletin board feature where they can just post messages ranging from gigs and parties to other special announcements, for their friends.

Free social networking sites also have an area in the member's home page where invites to expand the network are received. Two functions labeled generally as pending requests and friend requests are useful tools in creating and determining the number of people members want in their respective lists. Both functions also help members to keep track which of their friends are already in their network and which have not been included yet. Pending requests are unapproved requests

made by the member himself or herself to other people who are not yet in their network. On the other hand, friend requests are requests sent to the member by other people not included in the member's list. To manage these requests or invitations, members can execute “approve” or “reject” so that users can have the option of either accepting or denying the person. If members wish to contemplate on the matter for a longer time, they can just let the invitation remain in the box, unless there is an expiration date for the invites.

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