Commenting Positively on Photos

Viewing other members' pictures is also possible. Actually, one can put comments on some photos that a person finds interesting. However, one can observe that most of the pictures on the social networking sites are usually provocative. Both men and women have some steamy pictures in their profiles. There are even some profiles that contain really explicit material. The men, for their part can't help themselves from giving really sexy comments on such pictures. It is seldom for women to comment on provocative pictures of men. Although, some women do comment on such. However, one is advised that commenting on pictures must be done positively so that other members of the networking site will not be offended. Also, the comments that a person gives on a picture will reflect the type of personality that the person has. Therefore, a woman can somehow measure a man's true intentions even if they just look at the comment that a person left in her pictures. The men for their part might think that the woman is easy game if the woman leaves sexy comments on the men's pages.

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