Disadvantages of Dating Sites

As much as dating sites offer all these advantages and benefits, these sites also have several shortcomings. One of these is that the conditions and guarantees that dating sites provide are not absolute. Though the case may vary from one individual to another, dating sites cannot determine for sure the outcome or satisfaction of each member's experience. Some members might have success in their date search while others may have online relationships that eventually cannot work out in the end.

Because of the nature of a virtual environment, dating sites may not exactly offer the kind of atmosphere some people may expect or want in the process of their date hunt. As such, members may not find their true match who they can actually go out with in the real world. Dating sites replicate a real-world environment where people can gather and meet, and herein lies the inauthenticity of the date setting. Communication is impersonal and obviously, the experience is different compared to actually seeing and having physical contact with the person in a public establishment. Hence, aside from the information given on the person's profile, dating sites cannot provide clues to the other facets of the person's character like habits, mannerisms, and body language. Therefore, the searcher has no way of knowing the other attributes which could probably influence his or her decision to initiate contact and become intimate with the date prospect.

Following this reason, dating sites do not necessarily promote honesty. Most of these sites entail an easy registration; all the person has to do is provide a name and other basic information and that's it. No rigid verification of data is conducted since dating sites want to increase the number of members and render their businesses profitable. The “open” feature in the system of online dating is also seen as a disadvantage, especially for people who are seriously looking for a date; since members want privacy, they can just key in an anonymous or non-existing personality and submit it to the site as a member. Or else, some people get away with writing too-good-to-be-true profiles that convey they are the ideal date match. Others even have the audacity to insert a celebrity photo, like that of Kristin Kreuk or Eva Longoria, to hide their real identities.

Indeed, dating sites can only do so much in matching dates and in actuality, these points do not seem to matter. As long as technologies make life easier and tasks like dating become readily conducted through these advancements, the downsides of online dating can be conveniently ignored by most. With the options offered by dating sites, risks of turning down are deemed minimized and possibilities of meeting the right person to date becomes virtually endless.

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